Severn Bridges Academies Trust is an exempt charity, this means we operate like any other charity but are not regulated by the Charity Commission, but instead overseen by an alternative regulator, in this case the Secretary of State for Education.
The main documents that set out how we operate are our Articles of Association, which set our internal structure, and the Master Funding Agreement, which is the legal contract with the Secretary of State under which we run our schools. In addition, there are separate Supplemental Funding Agreements for each individual school.
We are also governed by the Department for Education's Academies Financial Handbook and various pieces of legislation relating to both schools and charities.
Our formal structures are designed to give robust oversight and management of our schools, without unnecessarily restricting innovation and autonomy.
Trustees provide strategic oversight and ensure that the Trust meets its legal obligations, both directly and through the Audit and Risk Committee.
Formulation of strategy and day to day operations are delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Morris. He is supported by a Central MAT Team, our Headteachers and professional expertise from outside the organisation.
Our Headteachers are challenged and supported by the Trust Board Standards Committee. Our TBSC members are part of the Trust Board, ensuring we have the balance of skills required to oversee and support modern schools.
Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust Members
Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust Trustees