Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust recently welcomed staff from the South Gloucestershire Learning Alliance.
Headteachers from schools in the Bridge Hub, along with their School Improvement Advisor, visited the MAT over two days to learn more about our Trust’s approach to professional Growth Appraisal Policy, Subject 360 reviews, Darwin Growth Curriculum and our character award, the Darwin Values Award.
There was an opportunity to visit each school, where key staff demonstrated their approach to continuous professional development, shared their experience of how this has worked in each of their schools and gave tours of their learning environments. Our visitors were also able to listen to some of the children's views on their character award.
The visit also facilitated the opportunity for professional discussions and reciprocal practice sharing between the schools.
Severn Bridges MAT looks forward to welcoming back the Bridge Hub Deputy Heads in November, who will work alongside our Deputy and Assistant Heads to create a character award for The Bridge hub.
CEO Andrew Morris was pleased to welcome the visitors and showcase some of the MAT’s work: “As an outward facing organisation it has been both thought provoking and exciting to discuss our practice and learn from other schools across the country. It reflects our MAT’s desire to be a collaborative and an adult learning community. We thrive on working with partners in other Trusts, mainstream and Independent schools both locally and further afield.”