A MAT-wide speaking competition was a huge success, with Year 4 pupils from each of the schools talking on a variety of subjects in front of judges from the MAT and the Rotary Club of Shrewsbury.
The speaking skills of Year Four children from across the Severn Bridges MAT were celebrated in what is hoped will become an annual event.
The competition was the idea of one of the Trustees, Mary Pascoe, and was run in partnership with the Rotary Club of Shrewsbury. Mary, and two of her fellow Rotarians Ros McCarthy and Peter Waller were amongst the judges of the competition which saw children speaking for two minutes on a topic of their choice.
The first rounds were held in the individual schools, and the top two speakers from each school were then invited to a grand final at Radbrook Primary School.
Adam, a pupil from Greenfields Primary School was the competition’s overall winner, but judges were impressed with the way in which all of the pupils rose to the challenge, and spoke with passion about their chosen subjects.